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Markforged Eiger


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Maximizing your NC investment with Designfusion's CAM Services


Surface Modeling In Solid Edge


NX CAM G-Code Driven Simulation with a DMG Mori CTX Gamma

This video highlights the advanced G-code Driven Simulation integrated with NX for Manufacturing. The DMG Mori CTX Gamma 5-axis machine is easily programmed and the verified using actual G-code before the program is sent to the machine. This capability ensures costly mistakes such as collisions, over travels, setup errors, and more can prevented. G-code Simulation will enhance productivity, increase efficiency and reduce cycle times.
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NX Webinars

As part our efforts to support our customers in these challenging times Designfusion is offering this free 5 part webinar series .The invitation is open to your whole company, new employees, casual users and people who have not previously had the time to pick up NX skills.
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Solid Edge Webinars

Solid Edge Webinars
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Our Response to the Covid_19 Pandemic

This article will walk you through how this special license can be used to allow you to work from home, using one of these options.
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Integration between Solid Edge and SolidEdge CAM Pro

As some of you may already know, Solid Edge has its own manufacturing product called Solid Edge CAM Pro. Prior to ST10 we used NX CAM Express. In ST10, they renamed this to Solid Edge CAM Pro, to ensure that our customer base knew that this manufacturing package was for Solid Edge.
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Analyzing your Current Designs for Printable Savings

There are a lot of people we talk to that are very excited about what additive manufacturing is doing to the world. The question that never seems to get asked is the most import. “How do WE get this into our company”. The first response is you have to acknowledge that what we do and how we do it today has rules that we have all accepted and just carry on every day like there are no limiting factors…but there are!
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Working with Large Assemblies - Part 1

One of the most prominent issues, that has bogged down many CAD systems, is the ability to deal with large assemblies. Despite improved hardware and continuing CAD improvements, this issue is still a top complaint among many CAD users. In some cases, it is the CAD system’s architecture that causes the system to slowdown as the assembly size increases. However, with Solid Edge, most cases we encounter are the result of the user being unaware of tools and/or best practices for dealing with large assemblies.

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How to save an assembly as a single part file.

I’ve had a couple of calls, on our tech line this month, asking if it’s possible to save an assembly as a single part file. For users who are on ST10 or Solid Edge 2019 the answer is yes. Solid Edge refers to this as a One Body Assembly, and it is part of the Insert Part Copy command.

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A baker’s dozen of tips and tricks Part 2 – from 2018 SEU events

This is the second part, of our tips and tricks session, that we presented at our 5 SEU related events in 2018.

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A baker’s dozen of tips and tricks Part 1 – from 2018 SEU events

This year, Designfusion hosted and participated in 5 Solid Edge University events. Starting with SEU Toronto, and followed by SEU Montreal, and then our 2-Day SEU event in Chicago. We then ran two events called the “Best of SEU 2018” in Olds, Alberta and Winnipeg, Manitoba. One of the most popular sessions was our Tips and Tricks session. For those of you who missed one of these events, we offer you this blog which covers the tips and tricks session.

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A look at NX Check-Mate

Check-Mate is a very powerful tool in Siemens NX and is often overlooked. It provides an automated, customizable tool that aids in proactively improving product quality. Check-Mate has capabilities ranging from a simple spell check on all notes and annotations to reporting WAVE-linked objects in an assembly and the WAVE link status. While there are over 300 standard checkers, Check-Mate also allows the user to set up customized design checking to ensure all projects comply with their Company’s standards. For example, if your company works with layers frequently, a customized check can be set up to check if the specified layers or layer categories contain the object types to which they are mapped.

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From Harness Model to Harness Layout in minutes

Solid Edge helps you overcome electro mechanical design challenges with a dedicated solution for electrical design—enabling true co-design collaboration across electrical and mechanical domains. Sounds impressive, but what does it really mean? In this blog, I want to show you a simple scenario that will illustrate the power and speed of this new module.

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Highlights from Solid Edge 2020

Solid Edge 2020 will be available for download soon (mid-July 2020), so I thought I’d share my thoughts on this latest release from Siemens PLM Software.Click the links, if you haven’t already read the Press Release or seen the Fact Sheet. Plus, there have been numerous articles already posted about the new enhancements in Solid Edge 2020.So, I will not try and cover everything added or enhanced in this article.Instead I will focus on several features that I believe will benefit the average designer, or ones that I feel will have an impact on their current procedures. Hence the name of this blog article.

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It is time for an honest comparison of CAD/CAM software

The internet is loaded with websites and articles offering a wide variety of opinions on CAD and CAM software, but most of these are bias to particular needs, software companies, or the author. Furthermore, many of the articles focus on sales rather than the technical capabilities of the software. So how do you, the user, determine which CAD or CAM software is best for your needs? In this article, I will offer you a simple, yet reliable, method to achieve this goal. 

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Designfusion is the largest dedicated solution provider of Siemens PLM software in North America. With an expert support team and a decade of history in the industry designfusion is the #1 choice for companies looking to best enhance their software acquisition.

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Designfusion is the largest dedicated solution provider of Siemens PLM software in North America. With an expert support team and a decade of history in the industry designfusion is the #1 choice for companies looking to best enhance their software acquisition.


305 Milner Ave, Suite 308,
Toronto, Ontario, M1B 3V4

Phone: 416 267-5542    
Toll Free: 1-888-567-3933

2734, rue Étienne Lenoir Laval, Quebec. H7R 0A3

Phone: 514-761-5682    
Toll Free:  1-866-534-5682

565, rue Shefford, Suite 1
Bromont, Québec, J2L 1C2

Phone: 450-534-5682    
Toll Free: 1-866-534-5682

1400 E Touhy Ave, Suite 477
Des Plaines, IL 60018    

Phone: 847-439-0555    
Toll Free: 1-866-921-1830

2900 Auburn Court
Auburn Hills, MI 48326

Toll Free: 1-866-921-1830

151 Castleberry Ct. Ste.
CMilford, OH 45150

Toll Free: 1-866-921-1830

60 Scarsdale Rd, Unit 119
Toronto, Ontario, M3B 2R7

1919, Boulevard Lionel-Bertrand   Suite 101, Boisbriand,
QC  J7H 1N8, Canada