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How to upgrade to Solid Edge 2020


Creating a gradient Face Style


Solid Edge 2019 Installation Download Notes


Using Markforged Eiger Software

How to determine where to add more strength by adding carbon fiber as reinforcement material.
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Reverse Engineering in Solid Edge 2020

In this video we start with an STL file of a kettlebell and we reverse engineer it from scratch, going through every step in detail. This also covers surfacing techniques which aid in re-creating the kettlebell and achieving a solid design body
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Markforged Eiger

Eiger is a cloud-based print management application, that allows you to designate and review printing solutions options. This application covers all Markforged product line.
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Saving PDFs from Solid Edge

Communication between you and your colleagues, customers, contractors, and suppliers has always been crucial to your success. This is even more critical in this time of social distancing caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the more universal ways of sharing documents is through PDF files. PDF format allows the sharing of 2D and 3D documents electronically. Plus, most computers already have a PDF reader, so anyone can view these documents. Furthermore, the PDF format supports both 2D PDF and 3D PDF documents, which is ideal for communicating CAD data. With Solid Edge, you can save assemblies, parts, sheet metal parts, and draft documents in the PDF format. In this blog article, I will review the steps on how to save your Solid Edge files into the PDF format.
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Maximizing your NC investment with Designfusion's CAM Services

Siemens NX G-code driven simulation is an essential part of staying competitive in today’s market and maximizing your machine tool investments. Validating your G-code before transferring a program to a machine tool is crucial. This becomes even more critical when working with 5-axis machines and multitasking machines. NC program validation can save time and money while also making sure company assets are kept safe.
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Surface Modeling In Solid Edge

An introduction on how to model parts with an organic shape using surface modeling. Here we make use of the Blue Surf command and how to manipulate the surface using Blue Dots
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Working with Large Assemblies - Part 1

One of the most prominent issues, that has bogged down many CAD systems, is the ability to deal with large assemblies. Despite improved hardware and continuing CAD improvements, this issue is still a top complaint among many CAD users. In some cases, it is the CAD system’s architecture that causes the system to slowdown as the assembly size increases. However, with Solid Edge, most cases we encounter are the result of the user being unaware of tools and/or best practices for dealing with large assemblies.

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How to save an assembly as a single part file.

I’ve had a couple of calls, on our tech line this month, asking if it’s possible to save an assembly as a single part file. For users who are on ST10 or Solid Edge 2019 the answer is yes. Solid Edge refers to this as a One Body Assembly, and it is part of the Insert Part Copy command.

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A baker’s dozen of tips and tricks Part 2 – from 2018 SEU events

This is the second part, of our tips and tricks session, that we presented at our 5 SEU related events in 2018.

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A baker’s dozen of tips and tricks Part 1 – from 2018 SEU events

This year, Designfusion hosted and participated in 5 Solid Edge University events. Starting with SEU Toronto, and followed by SEU Montreal, and then our 2-Day SEU event in Chicago. We then ran two events called the “Best of SEU 2018” in Olds, Alberta and Winnipeg, Manitoba. One of the most popular sessions was our Tips and Tricks session. For those of you who missed one of these events, we offer you this blog which covers the tips and tricks session.

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